It’s more than just how you look.
Done well – it’s the heart and soul of the business...
Done badly it affects how your visitors, staff and outside world feel and even behave towards you.
We work with over 150 trampoline parks around the world and one thing is crystal clear - consistency and clarity of the brand throughout each ‘touchpoint’ captivates bouncers and can even lead to more loyal customers. A great brand speaks to people and motivates them to evangelise, to rave about their experience. It can feel joined up, easy and inevitable.
Whereas a poor brand can feel disjointed, jolting and unwelcoming.

Build Visuals that Vocalise
Know your target audience, then match your park’s style and substance to it. Teenage visitors will expect a very different look to ‘tweenies’. So make your space their space.

Create Fantastic on-brand Feature Pieces
“Just bouncing is boring” – UK Park Owner
Trampoline parks can no longer rely on a mass of trampoline beds. But if your brand has ‘bounce’ integral to it what can you do?
You could plan to install new features and attractions that resonate with your brand, but if you want to make a big splash make it a counterpoint to existing installations. So if you’re all about bouncing, a climbing wall feature seems counterintuitive – but make it a standout feature, the exception that proves the rule.

“Our TrailBlazer climbing wall is the first feature you see when you enter the park, you can’t miss it! It’s bold and exciting graphics make it the perfect attraction for grabbing the attention of new visitors”.

Careful with Too Much Throughout. Be Tasteful
Whatever your branding it can be tempting to stick with it and splash it everywhere throughout your park. If you’ve got a great logo or colour palette use it in areas of most impact or consistent touchpoints (see CardioWall FreeStyle Duo at Sky’s the Limit).
But too much everywhere can be exhausting and reeks of corporate overkill.
Consistent colour schemes are subtle and work well, combined with careful logo and character placement to remind your customers where they are and keep them promoting your park by name.

Make it Memorable
What’s better?
Jumping off a tower onto a giant air bag, or jumping off a tower into a Lion’s mouth (on an air bag)?

Creating memorable features and experiences will last long in the memories of your visitors and often lead to repeat visits and social media sharing.
This works really well if your brand is known for amazing visuals or experiences – but don’t make it too scary or it’ll be memorable for the wrong reasons!
So, if we have one piece of advice - never underestimate the power of branding.
by Simon Heap & Lucy Manley
By Simon Heap, Creative Director
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